Ultimate Orkney: Shetland Wildlife Tour

Date(s) - 30/04/2016 - 07/05/2016
All Day

Ultimate Orkney: Shetland Wildlife Tour starting Saturday 30 April – Saturday 7 May 2016– leader Steve Sankey. The archipelago of Orkney forms a complex jigsaw of land and water. Her fertility gives rise to a wealth of wildlife – particularly birds. Red-throated Divers on the small lochans, Hen Harriers and Short-eared Owls on the moors and an abundance of seabirds and seaduck around the pristine coastline. By popular demand we bring you this ultimate Orkney holiday…for further details and to book see www.shetlandwildlife.co.uk/holidays/wildlife.htm

Note that the accommodation is provided by the Merkister Hotel, and the departure and finishing point for this tour is Aberdeen. THIS TOUR IS NOW FULL.


Bookings are closed for this event.